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 Hydropower for Sustainable Energy

Hydropower could double its contribution by 2050, reaching 2,000 GW of global capacity and over 7,000 TWh, according to International Energy Agency (IEA), with the highest growth from developing nations. Presently, developing countries w/o China accounts for only 20% of the world's total hydropower production.  In 2015, 193 United Nations member countries adopted a new sustainable development agenda and global agreement on climate change. One of the goals is to ensure access to affordable, reliable and sustainable for all. Hydropower is the cheapest form of energy per kwh over the long term. Not only is it sustainable, it has a secondary function in flood and drought control as well as providing sustainability to the agriculture industry with modern irrigation techniques


PPFG is building hydroelectric power plants in developing countries to alleviate poverty, to promote availability of electricity for all and to not leave anyone behind. PPFG works closely to the goals and guidelines of the United Nation. PPFG works closely with NGOs to achieve its aim towards a 100% sustainable future.

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